Fresh Start!

Fresh Start!


So I’ve been wearing mostly white lately to signifying a fresh new start!. I hope everyone is looking forward to their New Years resolutions regardless if your ready or not. Even if your scared, nervous, or don’t know where to start, just go with it. Push yourself because in the mist of fear is when we realize who we really are! Fear can only control you if you let it, it’s only an emotion. If it doesn’t harm us then we should give it no power!


Sometimes we have to put our fears aside. If it doesn’t harm us then its just a feeling. My anxiety came from fear of the unknown, which made me worry a lot. I tossed and turned at night as if I was in danger, but it was only an illusion. I feared what could not hurt me because I was scared of failing or not conquering what was ahead of me, or if things don’t work out. But I had to realize that my whole life I was adapting to change. I was growing and learning, and regardless if I failed, I still grew! I would not have received many of the blessings I have now if I did not change and grow. Lucky for me I had siblings and family that pushed me regardless of my fear. So here’s to new beginnings & a fresh new start! & here’s to nothing to wear but still looking cute!

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Social Butterfly!


How ironic was it for me to find this wall with this butterfly. On the day of my mini photo shoot I had no idea where I was going to take my photo shoot. As I stumbled across this bold red wall, I thought how about how well the red background would compliment my dress. When I saw the butterfly I knew it would be perfect for my message! As I was researching the meaning of a butterfly and an article stated that a butterfly represents transitions in our life. Even though it’s short lived it symbolizes our transitions of spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope, and life. How beautiful is that!

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Happy Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentine’s day!

Simplicity is more...

Simplicity is more...