Scenery is complimentary of Atlanta’s Belt line & Cabbage town.
Changing the way you think!
We all have exhausted ourselves during this tough time that all of America & the world is going through with the COVID19. Yes we want our jobs, freedom, and of course our lives back, but during this quarantine we should take time to work on ourselves. Practice on a hobby or talent that we have put on the back burner before this pandemic.Take this time to better yourself while we have all the time on our hands.
That’s what I’ve been doing lately, working on my craft and perfecting my artistry. Also, caring more about my well being and health because I put it on hold for so long. Working has always gotten in the way of a lot of important things in my life, but now I’m free during this isolation.
I believe this quarantine has given more spare time to improve ourselves. I kind of look at this quarantine as a blessing in disguise! I get to work on me and bettering myself.
After this crisis is over we all are going to wish we had some more “me time”. Now is the time to prioritize hobbies and be a better you! As an artist sometimes we need a clear mind and working long hours can not provide that. Life can make us exhausted alone by just “adulting”.
Artist Instagram: @pashlima
On day 1 of isolating myself in the house I started working on my health and making sure my mindset was balanced. Since I’ve been stressed about work, I began to release the negative energy out by praying and reminding myself what I was promised by God. I have anxiety, and I worry a lot when I’m faced with negative energy or obstacles that get in my way of me living a happy or content life. I wanted to change the level of worry in my life so I started drinking herbal stress relief tea. Yes, the markets have all kinds of teas for your wellness. You can choose from positive energy, detox, immune support, bedtime tea and more! The Yogi brand has it all and that why its my favorite type of tea!
The second day, I focused on my blog and working on new content. My blog is like art therapy, so I knew I wanted to enjoy some art while I meditate outside with fresh air to clear my mind.
The belt line in Atlanta is the perfect place to get some art therapy! The beautiful graffiti and the meaningful murals on the walls of the city provide different meanings to the soul. It was picture perfect to stand by art that means so much to the artist and speaks volumes to my soul.
I walked the belt line, while thanking God for the inspiration and peace that he gave to me. It was truly beautiful to me. I challenge you guys to work on your self and mediate on the things you want and what God is trying to tell you. Make this time from work meaningful and don’t let it pass you by!